“A candy store for carnivores,” is how owner Jake Dickson describes his Dickson’s Farmstand Meats, in New York City’s Chelsea Market. At Dickson’s, artisanal poultry, beef, pork, and lamb are on offer, as well as house-made charcuterie.
The meat is all sourced from a half-dozen or so farms that are within a 400-mile radius of New York, and that put sustainable, organic, and humane ideals into practice. “The farmers not only talk the talk, they walk the walk,” says Dickson. From Woolley Sheep Farm, in New York’s North Country region, for example, come lambs that are a mix of the Romanoff, Dorsett, and Finn breeds. And from the Sir William Angus farm, in Craryville, New York, one of the oldest breeders of Berkshire pigs in the country, Dickson gets pork plus certified Angus beef and pasture-raised veal.
Jake Dickson started his career in corporate marketing, but, drawn to the food business and high-quality meats in particular, he decided to get his hands dirty and do intensive apprenticeships on farms and butcher shops. He opened Dickson’s Farmstand Meats in 2009.
These days, chef David Schuttenberg creates charcuterie and other prepared foods for Dickson’s, and butcher Giancarlo Sbarbaro prepares the meat for customers, starting with the whole animal. Dickson’s also offers classes, both demos and hands-on, to help those who want to master those tricky cuts.