Farmer Karen Overton’s great-grandmother bought and named Wedge Oak Farm back in 1904, and generations of the family have farmed it ever since. These days, the pride of Wedge Oak is sustainably, humanely raised, pasture-fed hens, turkeys, guineas, ducks, and hogs (Poland Chinas, Yorkshires, and the only Tennessee-raised heritage Mangalitsas).
Karen, who lived in New York City for a while, decided to give farming a try in 2008 and settled back down on the Wedge Oak property in Lebanon, Tennessee (about 30 miles from Nashville). What began with growing vegetables and sprucing up the outbuildings led to acquiring hens and turkeys, and her livestock population has grown each year. Grandparents Anne and Ken Overton are still very active on the farm as well.
The high quality of Karen’s meats and the high standards she applies to raising the animals have made her a favorite of Nashville chefs and food lovers. Wedge Oak has served as the host farm for an Outstanding in the Field dinner with chef Josh Habiger, of Pinewood Social. And chef Erik Anderson named the farm as one of his favorites in Mario Batali and Jim Webster’s book America: Farm to Table.